Student Remote Instruction Alert
Good Evening. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. This message is for all Middle and High School students. When we start remote instruction this coming Monday morning, students will need to log into each class at the scheduled time for live instruction. CTC students will be receiving information from their instructor about work assignments. Cyber students in Middle and High School will once again be working from home on their current courses. Every student will need their laptop starting Monday morning. We will have the school open tomorrow, Sunday, November 15th from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. so students can come pick up their device and any other needed items. Students will receive the class bell schedule tomorrow via their school email so they know when each class begins. Students who reported that they had no internet service will be contacted by the school tomorrow. We will also post the schedules on the District Facebook page and website. Thank you.