Homeless Liaison
Homeless Liaison
Mr. David Williamson
School District Homeless Liaison Per the federal law, every school district must assign a person (a liaison) to ensure that students experiencing homelessness are identified, enrolled and able to succeed in school. The liaison is responsible for identification of McKinney-Vento eligible students and supporting the needs of these students. The liaison:
· Assesses McKinney-Vento eligibility and needs of students and families experiencing homelessness
· Interprets laws relating to student homelessness
· Works as a team member to remove educational barriers
· Provides case management
· Monitors student progress
· Makes referrals to facilitate appropriate services to ensure full attendance and access to an appropriate education
· The liaison also acts as a resource to school staff to inform, facilitate and support appropriate services.
Education for Homeless Youth: Here
Experiencing Homeless Program: Here