Good Morning. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. In an effort to provide parents with allowable and transparent communication on COVID-19 matters, we are providing you with this alert. We received notification that we have a 9th grader who …
Good Evening Parents and Students: This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. At this time, it will be necessary to remain with remote instruction due to unavailability of staff following our vaccination clinics. West Branch will be remote tomorrow- Tuesday, …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. In an effort to provide parents with allowable and transparent communication on COVID-19 matters, we are providing you with this alert. We received notification that we have an 8th grade student …
Good Evening. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. A large percentage of our educational staff will be attending one of two COVID vaccination clinics this coming weekend. Based on health recommendations in the days following receiving a vaccination, both the Elementary School and …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. At this time, West Branch Elementary and West Branch Middle and High School will be shifting to our Remote Instructional model for Friday, February 26th. This closure is due to additional …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. In an effort to provide parents with allowable and transparent communication on COVID-19 matters, we are providing you with this alert. We received notification that we have one student each in …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. In an effort to provide parents with allowable and transparent communication on COVID-19 matters, we are providing you with this alert. We received notification that we have two 11th Grade students …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. After reviewing our district COVID-19 data and following consultation with local school districts, West Branch High School will be reopening for in-person instruction effective Monday, January 11th. Students enrolled in our …
Good Afternoon. This is Micki Dutrow, Superintendent of Schools. This message is a reminder that school is scheduled to restart tomorrow in our Full Remote model. As previously shared, all students will be restarting classes tomorrow online according to the …